Training dataset biases are by far the most scrutinized factors when explaining algorithmic biases of neural networks. In contrast, hyperparameters related to the neural network architecture, e.g., the number of layers or choice of activation functions, have largely been ignored even though different network parameterizations are known to induce different implicit biases over learned features. For example, convolutional kernel size has been shown to bias CNNs towards different frequencies. In order to study the effect of these hyperparameters, we designed a causal framework for linking an architectural hyperparameter to algorithmic bias. Our framework is experimental, in that several versions of a network are trained with an intervention to a specific hyperparameter, and the resulting causal effect of this choice on performance bias is measured. We focused on the causal relationship between sensitivity to high-frequency image details and face analysis classification performance across different subpopulations (race/gender). In this work, we show that modifying a CNN hyperparameter (convolutional kernel size), even in one layer of a CNN, will not only change a fundamental characteristic of the learned features (frequency content) but that this change can vary significantly across data subgroups (race/gender populations) leading to biased generalization performance even in the presence of a balanced dataset.