We develop a fast-running smooth adaptive meshing (SAM) algorithm for dynamic curvilinear mesh generation, which is based on a fast solution strategy of the time-dependent Monge-Amp\`{e}re (MA) equation, $\det \nabla \psi(x,t) = \mathsf{G} \circ\psi (x,t)$. The novelty of our approach is a new so-called \emph{perturbation formulation} of MA, which constructs the solution map $\psi$ via composition of a sequence of near identity deformations of a uniform reference mesh. This allows us to utilize a simple, fast, and high order accurate implementation of the deformation method. We design SAM to satisfy both internal and external consistency requirements between stability, accuracy, and efficiency constraints, and show that the scheme is of optimal complexity when applied to time-dependent mesh generation for solutions to hyperbolic systems such as the Euler equations of gas dynamics. We perform a series of challenging mesh generation experiments for grids with large deformations, and demonstrate that SAM is able to produce smooth meshes comparable to state-of-the-art solvers, while running approximately 50-100 times faster. The SAM algorithm is then coupled to a simple Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) scheme for 2$D$ gas dynamics. Specifically, we implement the $C$-method and develop a new ALE interface tracking algorithm for contact discontinuities. We perform numerical experiments for both the Noh implosion problem as well as a classical Rayleigh-Taylor instability problem. Results confirm that low-resolution simulations using our SAM-ALE algorithm compare favorably with high-resolution uniform mesh runs.
翻译:我们开发了一个快速、平稳且平稳的动态曲流线性网格生成调制(SAM)算法(SAM),该算法以基于时间的Monge-Amp ⁇ e}re(MA)方程式的快速解决方案战略为基础, $\det\nabla\psi(x,t) =\ mathsf{G}G}\cic\psi(x,t) 。 我们的方法的新颖之处是一个新的所谓的旋律(emph{perburbation 配方 ) MA 的直流- 直流(sAMpsi) 方程式, 其构建的解析(sm) 方程式, 其构建的解析(x,x,t) 快速和高度的解析。 我们用一系列具有挑战性的流动的模型进行50度的解析(max) 快速的解析(SAM) 的演算, 以快速的平流动的电路路, 将SAM-r) 运行的电路, 以快速的解变。