Active perception for fruit mapping and harvesting is a difficult task since occlusions occur frequently and the location as well as size of fruits change over time. State-of-the-art viewpoint planning approaches utilize computationally expensive ray casting operations to find good viewpoints aiming at maximizing information gain and covering the fruits in the scene. In this paper, we present a novel viewpoint planning approach that explicitly uses information about the predicted fruit shapes to compute targeted viewpoints that observe as yet unobserved parts of the fruits. Furthermore, we formulate the concept of viewpoint dissimilarity to reduce the sampling space for more efficient selection of useful, dissimilar viewpoints. Our simulation experiments with a UR5e arm equipped with an RGB-D sensor provide a quantitative demonstration of the efficacy of our iterative next best view planning method based on shape completion. In comparative experiments with a state-of-the-art viewpoint planner, we demonstrate improvement not only in the estimation of the fruit sizes, but also in their reconstruction, while significantly reducing the planning time. Finally, we show the viability of our approach for mapping sweet peppers plants with a real robotic system in a commercial glasshouse.
翻译:对水果测绘和收获的积极认识是一项艰巨的任务,因为排斥现象经常发生,而且水果的位置和规模随时间而变化。 最先进的观点规划方法利用计算成本昂贵的射线铸造作业寻找好的观点,目的是最大限度地增加信息收益和覆盖现场的水果。 在本文中,我们提出了一个新颖的观点规划方法,明确使用关于预测水果形状的信息来计算目标观点,这些观点对水果中尚未看到的部分进行观察。此外,我们提出了观点不同的概念,以减少抽样空间,以便更有效地选择有用、不同的观点。我们用配有RGB-D传感器的 UR5 臂进行的模拟实验,从数量上展示了我们基于形状完成的下一个迭接最佳观点规划方法的功效。在与一个最先进的观点规划师进行比较的实验中,我们不仅在估计水果大小方面,而且在其重建方面显示出改进,同时大大缩短了规划时间。最后,我们展示了在商业玻璃室内用真正的机器人系统绘制甜辣椒厂的方法的可行性。</s>