项目名称: 基于分布式感知的服务机器人和谐导航理论与方法研究
项目编号: No.60805032
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 房芳
作者单位: 东南大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 在前期建立的机器人运动模型和传感器检测模型的基础上,建立了分布式智能环境中基于环境传感器的分布式感知协作定位方案,包括:提出一种分布式感知协作的扩展Monte Carlo定位方法,利用环境传感器的检测信息与机器人本体的感知信息进行自定位;从多传感器信息融合的角度出发,研究并提出一种凌驾于Monte Carlo方法之上的多传感器融合算法,完成了机器人定位的具体应用,有效解决了服务机器人定位中全局定位和机器人绑架两个瓶颈问题。同时进行了多源感知协作的人与机器人联合全局定位方法研究,提出融合分布式感知的RBPF算法,在机器人车载传感器自身位姿未知情况下实现了精确的人-机全局位置联合估计,增强了机器人定位的抗动态干扰能力。研究了基于环境传感器的人的快速检测与实时跟踪方法,该方法对人体姿态变化、非结构化环境下常见的光照波动、背景杂乱及部分遮挡等具有一定的鲁棒性。在以上研究基础上建立了融合人运动模式分析的移动机器人和谐导航方案,并将上述方法用于构建面向家庭陪护应用的服务机器人系统,构建了分布式环境下服务机器人检测跟踪、和谐导航应用系统,实现了与人共存环境下服务机器人对人友好的和谐导航系统应用。
中文关键词: 分布式感知;扩展Monte Carlo定位方法;和谐导航;运动模式分析;检测跟踪
英文摘要: An collaborative distributed perception scheme for mobile robot localization is proposed based on the previous robot motion model and detection model. The scheme is composed of two parts: an extended Monte Carlo algorithm using environmental sensor perception and robot detection information is studied for robot localization; an multisensor fusion algorithm beyond Monte Carlo method is put forward which accomplishes the actual application for robot localization and solves the global localization and kidnapped bottleneck problem effectively. At the same time a Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF) based algorithm using the collaboration of spatially distributed multi-modal sensors is proposed in situations with human-robot coexisting movements which realizes man-robot global pose estimation accurately and improves the adaptability to human random movement. A vision-based algorithm for fast and automatic people detection and tracking is firstly proposed which is robust to people's posture variations, lightening fluctuation, background clutters and partially occlusion. On the basis of the above, the mobile robot compliant navigation project fusing human motion patterns learning is established. Accordingly the service robot application system in a human-centric intelligent environment for detection、 tracking and harmonious navigation is realized successfully in order to provide home-care assistance to the elderly and disabled.
英文关键词: Distributed perception; Extended Monte Carlo localization algorithm; Compliant navigation; Motion patterns analysis; Detection and tracking