项目名称: 基于无线网络小车的协同控制研究
项目编号: No.61305135
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 柏建军
作者单位: 杭州电子科技大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本项目拟对无线网络环境下的移动小车的协同控制问题进行研究,重点考虑无线网络的引入对协同控制的影响。主要考虑以下三个问题:(1)基于信息融合的无线网络定位算法研究。在无线通讯传输数据的同时,利用无线信号的强度来实现机器人的定位。设计将多个机器人同时定位的算法,并利用这多个机器人间的相对距离的信息提高定位算法的精度。(2)基于量化信息的多机器人编队算法研究。为了减小系统通讯的负担,设计依赖于跟踪距离的动态量化器,设计并实现基于量化信息的编队算法。(3)研究无线网络的数据传输时延及丢包对系统性能的影响,设计无线网络环境下的编队算法。通过实验测试的方法建立无线网络的传输时延、丢包率等特性的模型,并基于该模型,设计时延依赖的分布式编队控制算法。根据Lyapunov稳定性定理,给出多机器人编队稳定的期望条件。同时,考虑能容忍一定数据丢包的多机器人的编队算法。
中文关键词: 多机器人系统;无线通讯;丢包;量化;
英文摘要: In this programm,the coordinate control of the multi mobile robots will be studied. The robots using the wireless network to communicate with each other. And the main focus is on the problem that how the wirless commnication network effects the robots coordinate control. Three problems will be considered. Firstly, the location algrithm of the wireless network will be studied based on the distance information to the other robots.The signal strength will be used to locate the robots and the location of several robots will be considered simultaneously. The information of the relative diatance between robots will be used to improve the lacation algrithm. Secondly, the formation control of multi mobile robots based on quantized information will be studied. In order to ruduce the burden of the communication networks, a dynamic quantizer will be designed depended on the distance between the robots and the targent. Also, the effect of the quantization error to the stability of the formation will be studied. Thirdly, the effects of the network induced delay and packet loss to the coordinate control will be studied and a correspongding formation control algrithm will be designed. A model of the time delay and packet loss will be estabilished by the experiment, based on which, a deley-dependent ditributed formation algori
英文关键词: Multi-agent system;wireless communication;data loss;quantization;