项目名称: 新型开关型荧光探针及其对凋亡细胞的高灵敏度检测
项目编号: No.21472111
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无机化学
项目作者: 肖述章
作者单位: 三峡大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 利用荧光成像技术检测凋亡细胞,在癌症诊断及治疗的研究中有重大意义;而采用高灵敏度的开关型荧光探针,可望获得纳米级的分辨率。本课题基于超分子化学的理念,以发光亮度高、Stokes位移大、在固态及极性环境中不易团聚的硼氟染料为基础,结合光致变色性能优异的二芳烯单元,构建高信噪比的二芳烯荧光开关探针。通过对分子结构的调节和构效关系研究,获得不同发光波段的开关型荧光分子;后引入对磷脂酰丝氨酸(PS)有强亲和力的DPA-Zn单元,以开关型的荧光探针检测凋亡细胞;为提高灵敏度,拟采用点击化学聚合方法,制备含多个DPA-Zn单元的化学稳定、毒性小、荧光开关信号比高的水溶性聚合物荧光探针。并将此类开关型聚合物荧光探针应用于荧光成像,通过对探针进行可逆的荧光调控,有效的提高对凋亡细胞检测的分辨率与灵敏度。
中文关键词: 荧光探针;光致变色;荧光开关;凋亡;检测
英文摘要: Detection of apoptotic cells by fluorescent imaging is highly important in cancer diagnosis and therapy, and nano-level resolution may be realized by using switchable fluorescent probes. Based on Boron-Fluorine dyes with ideal photophyscial properties, such as high fluorescent intensity, large Stokes shift and non-aggregated ability in solid and polar environment, high ratio fluorescent switches could be constructed through introduction of photochromic diarylethene. This project will develop fluorescent switches with different emissive wavelengths through structure-property correlation. Then, DPA-Zn units with high affinity to phosphatidylserine (PS) will be introduced for sensitive detection of apoptotic cells. In order to introduce multiple DPA-Zn units to enhance the sensitivity, click polymerization will be adopted to prepare water-soluble polymer probes with non-toxicity, sound chemical stability and high contrast signal. The prepared polymers will be applied for bio-imaging to improve the resolution and sensitivity of apoptosis detection through tuning fluorescence of the probes.
英文关键词: fluorescent probe;photochromism;fluorescent switch;apoptosis;detection