Most of the existing semantic segmentation approaches with image-level class labels as supervision, highly rely on the initial class activation map (CAM) generated from the standard classification network. In this paper, a novel "Progressive Patch Learning" approach is proposed to improve the local details extraction of the classification, producing the CAM better covering the whole object rather than only the most discriminative regions as in CAMs obtained in conventional classification models. "Patch Learning" destructs the feature maps into patches and independently processes each local patch in parallel before the final aggregation. Such a mechanism enforces the network to find weak information from the scattered discriminative local parts, achieving enhanced local details sensitivity. "Progressive Patch Learning" further extends the feature destruction and patch learning to multi-level granularities in a progressive manner. Cooperating with a multi-stage optimization strategy, such a "Progressive Patch Learning" mechanism implicitly provides the model with the feature extraction ability across different locality-granularities. As an alternative to the implicit multi-granularity progressive fusion approach, we additionally propose an explicit method to simultaneously fuse features from different granularities in a single model, further enhancing the CAM quality on the full object coverage. Our proposed method achieves outstanding performance on the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset e.g., with 69.6$% mIoU on the test set), which surpasses most existing weakly supervised semantic segmentation methods. Code will be made publicly available here
翻译:多数现有的语义分解方法, 以图像级类标签作为监管, 高度依赖标准分类网络生成的初始类启动地图( CAM) 。 在本文中, 提出了一个创新的“ 渐进补丁学习” 方法, 以改善分类的本地细节提取, 生成 CAM 更好地覆盖整个对象, 而不仅仅是常规分类模式中获取的 CAM 中最有歧视的区域。 “ 批量学习” 将地貌地图摧毁为补丁, 并在最终汇总之前平行地独立处理每个本地补丁。 这种机制强制网络从分散的歧视性本地部件中找到薄弱的信息, 实现强化的地方细节敏感性 。 “ 渐进补丁学习” 进一步以渐进的方式将功能销毁和补丁学习扩展至多级颗粒。 与多阶段优化战略合作, 例如“ 进步补丁学习” 机制, 隐含地提供了不同地点- 区块的地貌提取能力模型。 作为隐含的多级递增缩办法的替代方法, 我们进一步提议一个明确的方法, 从不同颗粒的内同时连接特性, 以2012年的SAL 常规 。