Deep embedding learning becomes more attractive for discriminative feature learning, but many methods still require hard-class mining, which is computationally complex and performance-sensitive. To this end, we propose Adaptive Large Margin N-Pair loss (ALMN) to address the aforementioned issues. Instead of exploring hard example-mining strategy, we introduce the concept of large margin constraint. This constraint aims at encouraging local-adaptive large angular decision margin among dissimilar samples in multimodal feature space so as to significantly encourage intraclass compactness and interclass separability. And it is mainly achieved by a simple yet novel geometrical Virtual Point Generating (VPG) method, which converts artificially setting a fixed margin into automatically generating a boundary training sample in feature space and is an open question. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on several popular datasets for image retrieval and clustering tasks.
翻译:深层嵌入学习对歧视性特征学习更具吸引力,但许多方法仍需要硬级采矿,这在计算上是复杂和对性能敏感的。 为此,我们提议采用适应性大边距N-Pair损失(ALMN)来解决上述问题。我们不探讨硬性样采矿战略,而是引入大边距限制的概念。这一限制的目的是鼓励在多式联运特征空间不同样本之间采用适合当地适应性的大型角边际决定边际差幅,从而大大鼓励阶级内部紧凑和阶级间分离。它主要通过简单而创新的几何虚拟点生成方法实现。这种方法将人为设定固定边距转化为在地貌空间自动生成边界培训样本,这是一个开放的问题。我们展示了我们在若干广受欢迎的图像检索和组合任务数据集上的方法的有效性。