Medical imaging has been recognized as a phenotype associated with various clinical traits in diagnostics and prognosis of clinical trials and cancer studies. Imaging data used to be converted and stored into high-dimensional matrices in medical imaging data preprocessing. For the imaging predictor expressed in the form of a high-dimensional matrix variate, the mainstream tackling approaches tend to vectorize the matrix-valued predictor into a long regressor array plus a specific regularization scheme. Such vectorization may suffer the loss of information of intrinsic structure. Motivated by the cutting-edge matrix factor analysis modeling, we propose a new latent matrix factor generalized regression tool named FamGLM, which relates a scalar treatment outcome with predictors including imaging variate. The FamGLM enjoys high prediction capability since the extracted matrix factor score refines the structural effect of the matrix-valued predictor and circumvents over dimension reduction. Inspired by 2nd-order tensor principal component analysis, we develop a matrix SVD-based estimation procedure and algorithm through generalized low rank approximation of matrices, which has a much lower computation cost compared with existing statistical approaches. The proposed FamGLM also achieves higher prediction capability than existing methods. In numerical analysis, we evaluate the finite sample performance of FamGLM in classification and prediction compared with existing statistical approaches under various GLM scenarios. The FamGLM outperforms in discriminant power in analysis of a COVID-CT image data set.
翻译:医学成像被公认为一种与临床试验和癌症研究诊断和预测中的各种临床特征相关联的动物类型; 将过去在医学成像数据预处理中被转换和储存成高维基体的数据; 以高维矩阵矩阵变异形式表示的成像预测器,主流处理方法往往将矩阵值预测器向量化成一个长期递减器阵列加上一个特定的正规化计划; 这种矢量化可能受到内在结构信息的损失; 在尖端矩阵要素分析模型的驱动下,我们提出了一个新的潜在矩阵要素普遍回归工具,名为FamGLM,它与包括成像变异性在内的预测器相联系。 FamGLM具有很高的预测能力,因为提取的矩阵要素评分将改进矩阵值预测器的结构效应,并绕过一个长期递减尺寸。在二级主元件分析的启发下,我们开发了一个基于SVD矩阵基数的矩阵估算程序和算法,通过通用低级比现有的GVM级缩算法的测算法成本要低得多得多。 在现有的统计模型分析中,我们提出的GMR型模型分析中,也比现有的SDL级分析了现有的模型分析方法的模型分析方法。