Most popular hand-crafted key-point detectors such as Harris corner, SIFT, SURF aim to detect corners, blobs, junctions or other human defined structures in images. Though being robust with some geometric transformations, unintended scenarios or non-uniform lighting variations could significantly degrade their performance. Hence, a new detector that is flexible with context change and simultaneously robust with both geometric and non-uniform illumination variations is very desirable. In this paper, we propose a solution to this challenging problem by incorporating Scale and Rotation Invariant design (named SRI-SCK) into a recently developed Sparse Coding based Key-point detector (SCK). The SCK detector is flexible in different scenarios and fully invariant to affine intensity change, yet it is not designed to handle images with drastic scale and rotation changes. In SRI-SCK, the scale invariance is implemented with an image pyramid technique while the rotation invariance is realized by combining multiple rotated versions of the dictionary used in the sparse coding step of SCK. Techniques for calculation of key-points' characteristic scales and their sub-pixel accuracy positions are also proposed. Experimental results on three public datasets demonstrate that significantly high repeatability and matching score are achieved.
翻译:最受欢迎的手制关键点探测器,如哈里斯角、SIFT、SFRF、SFRF等最受欢迎的手动关键点探测器,目的是探测角落、浮点、交叉点或其他图像中人类定义的结构。虽然通过某些几何变换、意外假想或非统一照明变异而具有很强的强度,能够大大降低其性能。因此,非常需要一种新的探测器,随着背景变化而具有灵活性,同时与几何和非统一的光化变异同时具有强力。在本文件中,我们建议通过将缩放和旋转变异设计(名为SRI-SCK)纳入最近开发的基于Sparse Coding基点探测器(SCK)来解决这一问题。SSCK探测器在不同情景中具有灵活性,而且完全不易变异性,无法处理具有急剧规模和旋转变化的图像。在SRI-SCK中,采用图像金字典技术来实施变化规模,而变异化则通过将Screak SCK coding steptive-ddddrial des realizalizationalizational 3sulaft salizealizealizalizalal 。在Salizet salizetalizalizeal 3 上,也实现了。