Federated learning (FL) has emerged with increasing popularity to collaborate distributed medical institutions for training deep networks. However, despite existing FL algorithms only allow the supervised training setting, most hospitals in realistic usually cannot afford the intricate data labeling due to absence of budget or expertise. This paper studies a practical yet challenging FL problem, named \textit{Federated Semi-supervised Learning} (FSSL), which aims to learn a federated model by jointly utilizing the data from both labeled and unlabeled clients (i.e., hospitals). We present a novel approach for this problem, which improves over traditional consistency regularization mechanism with a new inter-client relation matching scheme. The proposed learning scheme explicitly connects the learning across labeled and unlabeled clients by aligning their extracted disease relationships, thereby mitigating the deficiency of task knowledge at unlabeled clients and promoting discriminative information from unlabeled samples. We validate our method on two large-scale medical image classification datasets. The effectiveness of our method has been demonstrated with the clear improvements over state-of-the-arts as well as the thorough ablation analysis on both tasks\footnote{Code will be made available at \url{https://github.com/liuquande/FedIRM}}.
翻译:联邦学习(FL)日益受欢迎,与分布式医疗机构合作培训深层网络;然而,尽管现有的FL算法只允许有监督的培训设置,但大多数现实医院通常由于缺乏预算或专业知识而负担不起复杂的数据标签。本文研究一个实用而又具有挑战性的FL问题,名为\textit{Federal-freed-freed-services(FSSL) (FSS),它旨在通过联合利用标签和未标签客户(即医院)的数据学习一个联合模式。我们提出了解决这一问题的新办法,它改进了传统的一致性正规化机制,与新的客户间关系匹配机制。拟议的学习计划将标签客户和未标签客户之间的学习明确联系起来,办法是调整其提取的疾病关系,从而减轻未贴标签客户的任务知识不足,并推广来自未贴标签样本的歧视性信息。我们验证了我们关于两个大规模医学图像分类数据集的方法。我们的方法的有效性已经通过在状态上明显改进以及任务/Frum_qum_qurode 以及两个任务和任务/RMF_qum_qurcode的彻底分析得到证明。