Compared to on-policy policy gradient techniques, off-policy model-free deep reinforcement learning (RL) that uses previously gathered data can improve sampling efficiency. However, off-policy learning becomes challenging when the discrepancy between the distributions of the policy of interest and the policies that collected the data increases. Although the well-studied importance sampling and off-policy policy gradient techniques were proposed to compensate for this discrepancy, they usually require a collection of long trajectories that increases the computational complexity and induce additional problems such as vanishing/exploding gradients or discarding many useful experiences. Moreover, their generalization to continuous action domains is strictly limited as they require action probabilities, which is unsuitable for deterministic policies. To overcome these limitations, we introduce a novel policy similarity measure to mitigate the effects of such discrepancy. Our method offers an adequate single-step off-policy correction without any probability estimates, and theoretical results show that it can achieve a contraction mapping with a fixed unique point, which allows "safe" off-policy learning. An extensive set of empirical results indicate that our algorithm substantially improves the state-of-the-art and attains higher returns in fewer steps than the competing methods by efficiently scheduling the learning rate in Q-learning and policy optimization.