Practitioners are often left tuning Metropolis-Hastings algorithms by trial and error or using optimal scaling guidelines to avoid poor empirical performance. We develop lower bounds on the convergence rates of geometrically ergodic accept-reject-based Markov chains (i.e. Metropolis-Hastings, non-reversible Metropolis-Hastings) to study their computational complexity. If the target density concentrates with a parameter $n$ (e.g. Bayesian posterior concentration, Laplace approximations), we show the convergence rate can tend to $1$ exponentially fast if the tuning parameters do not depend carefully on $n$. We show this is the case for random-walk Metropolis in Bayesian logistic regression with Zellner's g-prior when the dimension and sample size $d/n \to \gamma \in (0, 1)$. We focus on more general target densities using a special class of Metropolis-Hastings algorithms with a Gaussian proposal (e.g. random walk and Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithms) where we give more general conditions. An application to flat prior Bayesian logistic regression as $n \to \infty$ is studied. We also develop lower bounds in the Wasserstein distances which have become popular in the convergence analysis of high-dimensional MCMC algorithms with similar conclusions.