The Fisher information matrix (FIM) is a key quantity in statistics as it is required for example for evaluating asymptotic precisions of parameter estimates, for computing test statistics or asymptotic distributions in statistical testing, for evaluating post model selection inference results or optimality criteria in experimental designs. However its exact computation is often not trivial. In particular in many latent variable models, it is intricated due to the presence of unobserved variables. Therefore the observed FIM is usually considered in this context to estimate the FIM. Several methods have been proposed to approximate the observed FIM when it can not be evaluated analytically. Among the most frequently used approaches are Monte-Carlo methods or iterative algorithms derived from the missing information principle. All these methods require to compute second derivatives of the complete data log-likelihood which leads to some disadvantages from a computational point of view. In this paper, we present a new approach to estimate the FIM in latent variable model. The advantage of our method is that only the first derivatives of the log-likelihood is needed, contrary to other approaches based on the observed FIM. Indeed we consider the empirical estimate of the covariance matrix of the score. We prove that this estimate of the Fisher information matrix is unbiased, consistent and asymptotically Gaussian. Moreover we highlight that none of both estimates is better than the other in terms of asymptotic covariance matrix. When the proposed estimate can not be directly analytically evaluated, we present a stochastic approximation estimation algorithm to compute it. This algorithm provides this estimate of the FIM as a by-product of the parameter estimates. We emphasize that the proposed algorithm only requires to compute the first derivatives of the complete data log-likelihood with respect to the parameters. We prove that the estimation algorithm is consistent and asymptotically Gaussian when the number of iterations goes to infinity. We evaluate the finite sample size properties of the proposed estimate and of the observed FIM through simulation studies in linear mixed effects models and mixture models. We also investigate the convergence properties of the estimation algorithm in non linear mixed effects models. We compare the performances of the proposed algorithm to those of other existing methods.
翻译:渔业信息矩阵( FIM) 是统计中的关键数量, 因为它是用于评估参数估算的无参数精确度、 计算测试统计或统计测试中的无参数分布、 评估模型选择推断结果或实验设计中的最佳性标准。 然而, 精确的计算通常并非微不足道。 特别是在许多隐含变量模型中, 观察到的 FIM 通常被视为在这种背景下估算 FIM 。 在无法进行分析评估时, 提出了几种方法来接近观察到的 FIM 。 在最常用的方法中, 包括计算测试统计数据或统计测试中的无参数分布, 用于计算模型的模型选择模型选择结果或实验设计中的最佳性标准。 然而, 所有这些方法都需要计算完整的数据序列值的第二个衍生物, 从而导致计算模型的某些缺点。 特别是在许多隐含变量的变量模型中, 所观察到的FIM 。 我们的方法的好处是, 在无法进行分析时, 仅需要以直译的直流值估算结果来估算。 与基于观察到的 FIM 的其他方法相比, 最常用的方法是 。 我们认为, 不断的预估测的模型需要的是, 也能够测量数据 。