Network anomaly detection aims to find network elements (e.g., nodes, edges, subgraphs) with significantly different behaviors from the vast majority. It has a profound impact in a variety of applications ranging from finance, healthcare to social network analysis. Due to the unbearable labeling cost, existing methods are predominately developed in an unsupervised manner. Nonetheless, the anomalies they identify may turn out to be data noises or uninteresting data instances due to the lack of prior knowledge on the anomalies of interest. Hence, it is critical to investigate and develop few-shot learning for network anomaly detection. In real-world scenarios, few labeled anomalies are also easy to be accessed on similar networks from the same domain as of the target network, while most of the existing works omit to leverage them and merely focus on a single network. Taking advantage of this potential, in this work, we tackle the problem of few-shot network anomaly detection by (1) proposing a new family of graph neural networks -- Graph Deviation Networks (GDN) that can leverage a small number of labeled anomalies for enforcing statistically significant deviations between abnormal and normal nodes on a network; and (2) equipping the proposed GDN with a new cross-network meta-learning algorithm to realize few-shot network anomaly detection by transferring meta-knowledge from multiple auxiliary networks. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach on few-shot or even one-shot network anomaly detection.
翻译:网络异常现象检测的目的是发现网络元素(例如节点、边缘、子谱)与绝大多数人的行为大不相同,对金融、医疗保健和社会网络分析等各种应用都有深刻影响。由于难以承受的标签成本,现有方法主要是以无人监督的方式开发的。然而,他们所发现的异常现象可能证明是数据噪音或不感兴趣的数据案例,因为事先对感兴趣的异常现象缺乏了解。因此,关键是要调查并发展几分微分的网络异常现象检测学习。在现实世界的情景中,很少有贴标签的异常现象在与目标网络相同领域的类似网络上容易访问,而现有的大多数工作忽略了利用这些异常现象,而仅仅侧重于单一的网络。利用这一潜力,我们解决了微分数网络异常现象的检测问题,其方法是:(1) 提议建立一个新的图表神经网络 -- -- 示意图偏离网(GD-GDN),利用少量标签的异常现象来实施与目标网络相同领域的异常和正常点网络之间的重大偏差,而大多数现有工作却忽略了利用这些异常现象来利用这些方法,而只是专注于单一的网络。我们利用这一潜力,在这项工作中,解决了对网络的网络进行反正反常变情况评估,然后将G- 将G- 建立新的正反变式数据库,从而实现新的反常态网络的G- 实现新的反常做法。