Metalearning of deep neural network (DNN) architectures and hyperparameters has become an increasingly important area of research. At the same time, network regularization has been recognized as a crucial dimension to effective training of DNNs. However, the role of metalearning in establishing effective regularization has not yet been fully explored. There is recent evidence that loss-function optimization could play this role, however it is computationally impractical as an outer loop to full training. This paper presents an algorithm called Evolutionary Population-Based Training (EPBT) that interleaves the training of a DNN's weights with the metalearning of loss functions. They are parameterized using multivariate Taylor expansions that EPBT can directly optimize. Such simultaneous adaptation of weights and loss functions can be deceptive, and therefore EPBT uses a quality-diversity heuristic called Novelty Pulsation as well as knowledge distillation to prevent overfitting during training. On the CIFAR-10 and SVHN image classification benchmarks, EPBT results in faster, more accurate learning. The discovered hyperparameters adapt to the training process and serve to regularize the learning task by discouraging overfitting to the labels. EPBT thus demonstrates a practical instantiation of regularization metalearning based on simultaneous training.
翻译:深神经网络(DNN)架构和超光度计的元化学习已成为越来越重要的研究领域。与此同时,网络正规化被公认为对DNN的有效培训至关重要的方面。然而,金属学习在建立有效的正规化方面所起的作用尚未得到充分探讨。最近有证据表明,损失功能优化可以发挥这一作用,但作为全面培训的外部环环路,这是计算不切实际的。本文件介绍了一种算法,称为 " 以人口为基础的进化培训(EPBT) " (EPBT),它使DN的重量培训与损失的金属化功能相隔开来。它们被确认为是使用EPBT可以直接优化的多变式泰勒扩展的参数进行参数化。这种同时调整重量和损失功能的调整可能具有欺骗性,因此,EPBT使用一种称为NVU的多样化超常性循环,以及知识蒸馏,以防止培训期间过度适应。关于CIRA-10和SVHN图像分类基准, EPBT的结果是更快、更精确的学习结果。发现超精确的超标准,适应培训过程的超常化的超常标准化,从而将金属升级化。