Recently developed deep-learning-based denoisers often outperform state-of-the-art conventional denoisers such as the BM3D. They are typically trained to minimize the mean squared error (MSE) between the output image of a deep neural network (DNN) and a ground truth image. Thus, it is important for deep-learning-based denoisers to use high quality noiseless ground truth data for high performance. However, it is often challenging or even infeasible to obtain noiseless images in some applications. Here, we propose a method based on Stein's unbiased risk estimator (SURE) for training DNN denoisers based only on the use of noisy images in the training data with Gaussian noise. We demonstrate that our SURE-based method, without the use of ground truth data, is able to train DNN denoisers to yield performances close to those networks trained with ground truth for both grayscale and color images. We also propose a SURE-based refining method with a noisy test image for further performance improvement. Our quick refining method outperformed conventional BM3D, deep image prior, and often the networks trained with ground truth. Potential extension of our SURE-based methods to Poisson noise model was also investigated.
翻译:最近开发的深学习基础的深层深层隐隐含物往往优于诸如BM3D等最先进的常规隐隐含物。它们通常经过培训,以尽量减少深神经网络(DNN)输出图像与地面真实图像之间的平均平方差(MSE),因此,对于深学习基础的隐隐含物人来说,使用高质量的无噪音地面真象数据来提高性能十分重要。然而,在某些应用中获取无噪音的图像往往具有挑战性,甚至不可行。在这里,我们提出了一个基于斯坦的公正风险估量器(SURE)的方法,用于培训DNNN E,仅以使用高山噪音培训数据中的噪音图像为基础。我们证明,我们的基于“稳定”的方法,在没有使用地面真实数据的情况下,能够对DNNE进行与那些在灰度和彩色图像方面受过地面真象训练的网络的接近性能。我们还提出了一种基于以噪声测试图像为基础的精炼方法,以进一步改进性能。我们快速改进的方法比常规的BM3D3D,先前的图像扩展了我们的地面模型,而且常常也经过实地研究。