We present a pose adaptive few-shot learning procedure and a two-stage data interpolation regularization, termed Pose Adaptive Dual Mixup (PADMix), for single-image 3D reconstruction. While augmentations via interpolating feature-label pairs are effective in classification tasks, they fall short in shape predictions potentially due to inconsistencies between interpolated products of two images and volumes when rendering viewpoints are unknown. PADMix targets this issue with two sets of mixup procedures performed sequentially. We first perform an input mixup which, combined with a pose adaptive learning procedure, is helpful in learning 2D feature extraction and pose adaptive latent encoding. The stagewise training allows us to build upon the pose invariant representations to perform a follow-up latent mixup under one-to-one correspondences between features and ground-truth volumes. PADMix significantly outperforms previous literature on few-shot settings over the ShapeNet dataset and sets new benchmarks on the more challenging real-world Pix3D dataset.
翻译:我们提出了一个适应性的微小学习程序和一个两阶段的数据内插规范,称为Pose适应性双重混合(PADMix),用于单一图像的3D重建。虽然通过内插特性标签配对的增强在分类任务中是有效的,但是由于两种图像和体积的内插产品之间在形成观点时互不为人知,这些增强的预测可能不尽如人意。PADMix用两套按顺序执行的混合程序来解决这个问题。我们首先进行一种输入组合,结合一种具有适应性的学习程序,有助于学习2D特性提取,并形成适应性潜伏编码。分阶段培训使我们得以在变形的外形内建构,在特征和地面图案数量之间的一对一对应下进行后续的潜在混合。PADMix在ShapeNet数据集上大大超越了先前关于几处环境的文献,并在更具挑战性的真实 Pix3D数据集上设定了新的基准。