We present a new second-order oracle bound for the expected risk of a weighted majority vote. The bound is based on a novel parametric form of the Chebyshev- Cantelli inequality (a.k.a. one-sided Chebyshev's), which is amenable to efficient minimization. The new form resolves the optimization challenge faced by prior oracle bounds based on the Chebyshev-Cantelli inequality, the C-bounds [Germain et al., 2015], and, at the same time, it improves on the oracle bound based on second order Markov's inequality introduced by Masegosa et al. [2020]. We also derive a new concentration of measure inequality, which we name PAC-Bayes-Bennett, since it combines PAC-Bayesian bounding with Bennett's inequality. We use it for empirical estimation of the oracle bound. The PAC-Bayes-Bennett inequality improves on the PAC-Bayes-Bernstein inequality of Seldin et al. [2012]. We provide an empirical evaluation demonstrating that the new bounds can improve on the work of Masegosa et al. [2020]. Both the parametric form of the Chebyshev-Cantelli inequality and the PAC-Bayes-Bennett inequality may be of independent interest for the study of concentration of measure in other domains.
翻译:我们提出了一个新的第二序或甲骨文,用于应对加权多数票的预期风险。约束基于切比谢夫-坎特利不平等(a.k.a. a. 片面的Chebyshev-Cantelli's)的新式参数形式,可以有效最小化。新的形式解决了基于切比谢夫-坎特利不平等(Chebyshev-Cantelli,C-bormes [Germain et al., 2015)的先序所面临的优化挑战,同时,根据马塞戈萨等人(202020年)提出的马科夫的第二序不平等(Markov),也改善了甲骨文的束缚。我们还提供了一个新的计量不平等的集中,我们称之为PAC-Bayes-Bennett,因为它结合了PAC-Bayyeshian与Bennett的不平等。我们用它来对甲骨架进行经验性估算。PAC-Bayes-Bernsteinal et 等人(Seldin等人)的PAC-Bernstealstalalstal lactional Adal Adal resmissional 和Paslational-Seqlexal resual resual resmal resual resabal latiablystal labal ress labal 研究。我们提供了对PA-Bas-Bas-Bastial-chama-I 的实验性研究可能改进了20。