The $L_p$-discrepancy is a quantitative measure for the irregularity of distribution of an $N$-element point set in the $d$-dimensional unit cube, which is closely related to the worst-case error of quasi-Monte Carlo algorithms for numerical integration. Its inverse for dimension $d$ and error threshold $\varepsilon \in (0,1)$ is the number of points in $[0,1)^d$ that is required such that the minimal normalized $L_p$-discrepancy is less or equal $\varepsilon$. It is well known, that the inverse of $L_2$-discrepancy grows exponentially fast with the dimension $d$, i.e., we have the curse of dimensionality, whereas the inverse of $L_{\infty}$-discrepancy depends exactly linearly on $d$. The behavior of inverse of $L_p$-discrepancy for general $p \not\in \{2,\infty\}$ is an open problem since many years. In this paper we show that the $L_p$-discrepancy suffers from the curse of dimensionality for all $p$ which are of the form $p=2 \ell/(2 \ell -1)$ with $\ell \in \mathbb{N}$. This result follows from a more general result that we show for the worst-case error of numerical integration in an anchored Sobolev space with anchor 0 of once differentiable functions in each variable whose first derivative has finite $L_q$-norm, where $q$ is an even positive integer satisfying $1/p+1/q=1$.
翻译:$L_ p$- dismission 是一个量化的衡量标准,用以衡量在美元维度单位立方体中设定的美元值不规则分配值的数值。 美元维度值与数值整合的准蒙特卡洛算法的最坏错误密切相关。 美元维度对美元和差值阈值的反差值( 0, 1美元) $[ $1, 1美元是需要的点数。 因此, 最低标准的美元正常值( L_ p$- dismission) 小于或等于 美元。 众所周知, 美元维度单位立方体值的反差值与美元维度的负值密切相关, 美元维度的逆值与美元基值的反差值迅速增长。 美元基值和美元基值的反差结果是每年均值 。</s>