Part I by Elias B. Khalil:
- 组合优化导论 Introduction to combinatorial optimization & Tutorial overview.
- Modeling decision-making problems with Mixed Integer Programming (MIP);
- Complexity and solution approaches (exact and heuristic);
- Real-world applications;
- Data-driven algorithm design.
Part 2 by Elias B. Khalil
- 机器学习方法 The pure ML approach: predicting feasible solutions.
- Reinforcement learning for combinatorial optimization;
- Neural network architectures for representing graph problems;
- Limitations: lack of guarantees, scalability challenges.
Part 3 by Didier Chételat & Maxime Gasse: [slides]
- 混合方法 The hybrid approach: improving exact solvers with ML.
- The branch-and-bound framework for mixed-integer linear programs (MIP);
- Standard approaches to solver engineering;
- Learning solver search policies: a Markov decision process (MDP) perspective;
- Overview of tasks of interest;
- Open challenges for ML/RL.
Part 4 by Giulia Zarpellon & Laurent Charlin
- 机器学习MIP解决 Machine learning for MIP solving: challenges & literature.
- Hands-on ML-for-MIP with a focus on the Branching problem;
- Representations & Features;
- Generalization notions;
- Data & Metrics.
Part 5 by Antoine Prouvost
- Ecole: A python framework for learning in exact MIP solvers.
- A streamlined interface for doing ML in the open-source MIP solver SCIP, based on OpenAI Gym;
- Example: "learning to branch'' using Ecole;
- Easily extending predefined environments for your own research; Performance evaluation and analysis.
Part 6 by Bistra Dilkina 决策 Decision-focused Learning. Integrating LP/MIP combinatorial downstream tasks end-to-end in learning; Integrating graph optimization tasks end-to-end in learning.
Part 7 by Andrea Lodi: [slides]
- Concluding remarks and new frontiers.
- Business applications;
- Recap of various contributions in this area;
- Evaluation and Challenges going forward.