Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) methods are often robust and effective solvers for solving the large and sparse linear systems that arise from discretized PDEs and other problems, relying on heuristic graph algorithms to achieve their performance. Reduction-based AMG (AMGr) algorithms attempt to formalize these heuristics by providing two-level convergence bounds that depend concretely on properties of the partitioning of the given matrix into its fine- and coarse-grid degrees of freedom. MacLachlan and Saad (SISC 2007) proved that the AMGr method yields provably robust two-level convergence for symmetric and positive-definite matrices that are diagonally dominant, with a convergence factor bounded as a function of a coarsening parameter. However, when applying AMGr algorithms to matrices that are not diagonally dominant, not only do the convergence factor bounds not hold, but measured performance is notably degraded. Here, we present modifications to the classical AMGr algorithm that improve its performance on matrices that are not diagonally dominant, making use of strength of connection, sparse approximate inverse (SPAI) techniques, and interpolation truncation and rescaling, to improve robustness while maintaining control of the algorithmic costs. We present numerical results demonstrating the robustness of this approach for both classical isotropic diffusion problems and for non-diagonally dominant systems coming from anisotropic diffusion.
翻译:MacLachlan 和 Saad (SISC 2007) 证明,AMGr 方法在对称和正对称矩阵和正对称矩阵上产生了可察觉的双级趋同性趋同性,而正对称和正对称矩阵则具有对正对称主导性,其趋同性要素被捆绑成一个剖析参数的函数。然而,当将AMGr 算法应用于非对称主导性矩阵时,不仅使趋同性要素约束性参数不固定,而且测量性性能明显下降。在这里,我们对传统的AMGGr 算法进行了修改,该方法提高了其在非对称主导性矩阵上的性能,同时利用连接力和正对正对正对称矩阵的矩阵矩阵,同时将精密的趋同性系数捆绑定成一个分解性参数。