Generative Flow Networks or GFlowNets are related to Monte-Carlo Markov chain methods (as they sample from a distribution specified by an energy function), reinforcement learning (as they learn a policy to sample composed objects through a sequence of steps), generative models (as they learn to represent and sample from a distribution) and amortized variational methods (as they can be used to learn to approximate and sample from an otherwise intractable posterior, given a prior and a likelihood). They are trained to generate an object $x$ through a sequence of steps with probability proportional to some reward function $R(x)$ (or $\exp(-\mathcal{E}(x))$ with $\mathcal{E}(x)$ denoting the energy function), given at the end of the generative trajectory. Like for other RL settings where the reward is only given at the end, the efficiency of training and credit assignment may suffer when those trajectories are longer. With previous GFlowNet work, no learning was possible from incomplete trajectories (lacking a terminal state and the computation of the associated reward). In this paper, we consider the case where the energy function can be applied not just to terminal states but also to intermediate states. This is for example achieved when the energy function is additive, with terms available along the trajectory. We show how to reparameterize the GFlowNet state flow function to take advantage of the partial reward already accrued at each state. This enables a training objective that can be applied to update parameters even with incomplete trajectories. Even when complete trajectories are available, being able to obtain more localized credit and gradients is found to speed up training convergence, as demonstrated across many simulations.
翻译:生成流程网络或 GFlowNet 与 Monte-Carlo Markov 链条方法( 由能量函数指定的分布样本)、 强化学习( 学习一项政策, 通过一系列步骤来抽样组成物体)、 增益模型( 学习一种政策, 通过一系列步骤通过一系列步骤通过一系列步骤通过一系列步骤通过一系列步骤通过一系列步骤通过一系列步骤通过一系列步骤通过一系列步骤通过一系列步骤通过一系列步骤( 能源功能) 、 增益模型( 学习一项政策, 以通过一系列步骤来抽样组成物体)、 增益模型( 学习一种政策, 以通过一系列步骤来显示和抽样模型的分布) 以及摊销变异方法( 因为他们可以学习从本来比较棘手的场景中提取和样本 ) 。 与其他RL 环境一样, 培训和信用分配的效率可能随着时间推移时间的变长而降低 。 随着GFloowNet 更新, 我们无法从不完整的轨迹中找到完整的轨迹( 沿着一个快速的轨迹运行, 和计算轨道的轨迹可以显示我们是如何在每一条纹状上运行, 。