Differential private optimization for nonconvex smooth objective is considered. In the previous work, the best known utility bound is $\widetilde O(\sqrt{d}/(n\varepsilon_\mathrm{DP}))$ in terms of the squared full gradient norm, which is achieved by Differential Private Gradient Descent (DP-GD) as an instance, where $n$ is the sample size, $d$ is the problem dimensionality and $\varepsilon_\mathrm{DP}$ is the differential privacy parameter. To improve the best known utility bound, we propose a new differential private optimization framework called \emph{DIFF2 (DIFFerential private optimization via gradient DIFFerences)} that constructs a differential private global gradient estimator with possibly quite small variance based on communicated \emph{gradient differences} rather than gradients themselves. It is shown that DIFF2 with a gradient descent subroutine achieves the utility of $\widetilde O(d^{2/3}/(n\varepsilon_\mathrm{DP})^{4/3})$, which can be significantly better than the previous one in terms of the dependence on the sample size $n$. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first fundamental result to improve the standard utility $\widetilde O(\sqrt{d}/(n\varepsilon_\mathrm{DP}))$ for nonconvex objectives. Additionally, a more computational and communication efficient subroutine is combined with DIFF2 and its theoretical analysis is also given. Numerical experiments are conducted to validate the superiority of DIFF2 framework.
翻译:用于非convex 平滑目标的私人差异优化 。 在上一个工作中, 最已知的通用约束值是 $\ 全色平方位标准 $( sqrt{d}/ (n\ varepsilon\mathr{DP}) 美元 。 在上个工作中, 最已知的通用约束值是 $\ 全色平方位规则 。 以正方方位全梯度标准值为单位, 由不同的私人渐变源( DP- GD) 实现, 以美元为样本大小, 美元为问题维度 和 $\ varepllll2{ DP} 。 为了改进已知最已知的非通用约束值, 新的差异私人优化框架叫\ emphr=DIFF2 (通过渐行全色调) (draliplationalational2} Nurityrational= a\\\\\\\ dl=m) rodeal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal) a deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal) a m) 。 rotal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal de 。 。 在前, rl= a a a\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ dreal de de real de real de real deal de de de de de de de deal de de de deal de deal deal de de de de de de deal deal deal de de de de deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal de de de de de de de de de deal de de a a a a be a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a be a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a be a a a a