A finite cloud of unlabeled points is the simplest representation of many real objects such as rigid shapes considered modulo rigid motion or isometry preserving inter-point distances. The distance matrix uniquely determines any finite cloud of labeled (ordered) points under Euclidean isometry but is intractable for comparing clouds of unlabeled points due to a huge number of permutations. The past work developed approximate algorithms for Hausdorff-like distances minimized over translations, rotations, and general isometries. One big success is the exact algorithm by Paul Chew et al for matching sets in the plane under Euclidean motion with a polynomial complexity of degree five in the number of points. We introduce continuous and complete isometry invariants on the spaces of finite clouds of unlabeled points considered under isometry in any Euclidean space. The continuity under perturbations of points in the bottleneck distance is proved in terms of new metrics that are exactly computable in polynomial time in the number of points for a fixed dimension.
翻译:无标签点的有限云雾是许多真实物体的最简单表示,例如被视为modulo 硬性运动或保持点间距离的等离子体的硬形状。 距离矩阵独有地决定Euclidean异度测量下任何标签(有顺序)点的有限云雾,但由于大量变异,比较未标签点的云雾十分困难。 过去的工作为Hausdorff相似的距离开发了近似算法,在翻译、旋转和一般等离子中最小化。 一个重大的成功是Paul Chew 等人在Euclidean运动下对平面的匹配机组进行精确的算法,该算法在点数数的五度中具有多元复杂性。 我们在任何Euclidean空间考虑的非标签点的有限云空空隙中引入连续和完整的异度。 瓶端距离点的扰动状态下的连续性表现在一定维度的点数中,在多角时间的点数中完全可比较的新测量度。