Advanced applications of modern machine learning will likely involve combinations of trained networks, as are already used in spectacular systems such as DeepMind's AlphaGo. Recursively building such combinations in an effective and stable fashion while also allowing for continual refinement of the individual networks - as nature does for biological networks - will require new analysis tools. This paper takes a step in this direction by establishing contraction properties of broad classes of nonlinear recurrent networks and neural ODEs, and showing how these quantified properties allow in turn to recursively construct stable networks of networks in a systematic fashion. The results can also be used to stably combine recurrent networks and physical systems with quantified contraction properties. Similarly, they may be applied to modular computational models of cognition. We perform experiments with these combined networks on benchmark sequential tasks (e.g permuted sequential MNIST) to demonstrate their capacity for processing information across a long timescale in a provably stable manner.
翻译:现代机器学习的先进应用可能涉及经过培训的网络的组合,在DeepMind's AlphaGo等壮观系统中已经使用过这种组合。 以有效和稳定的方式逐步建立这种组合,同时允许不断完善个别网络(如生物网络的自然性质),这需要新的分析工具。 本文件朝这个方向迈出了一步,确定了非线性经常性网络和神经元的各类非线性经常性网络和神经元的收缩特性,并表明这些量化特性如何反过来以系统的方式循环地建立稳定的网络网络网络。其结果还可用于将经常网络和物理系统与量化收缩特性相挂钩。同样,这些结果也可以用于模块化的计算模型。我们与这些联合网络一起进行基准序列任务实验(如:有线性顺序的连续的MNIST),以展示它们以可变稳定的方式处理长期信息的能力。