Given a graph $G = (V, E)$ and a model of information flow on that network, a fundamental question is to understand if all the nodes have sufficient access to information generated at other nodes in the graph. If not, we can ask if a small set of edge additions improve information access. Formally, the broadcast value of a network is defined to be the minimum over pairs $u,v \in V$ of the probability that an information cascade starting at $u$ reaches $v$. Recent work in the algorithmic fairness literature has focused on heuristics for adding a few edges to a graph to improve its broadcast. Our goal is to formally study the approximability of the Broadcast Improvement problem: given $G$ and a parameter $k$, find the best set of $k$ edges to add to $G$ in order to maximize the broadcast value of the resulting graph. We develop efficient bicriteria approximation algorithms. If the optimal solution adds $k$ edges and achieves a broadcast of $\beta^*$, we develop algorithms that can (a) add $2k-1$ edges and achieve a broadcast value roughly $(\beta^*)^4$, or (b) add $O(k\log n)$ edges and achieve a broadcast roughly $\beta^*$. We also provide other trade-offs, that can be better depending on $k$ and the parameter associated with propagation in the cascade model. We complement our results by proving that unless P = NP, any algorithm that adds $O(k)$ edges must lose significantly in the approximation of $\beta^*$, resolving an open question. Our techniques are inspired by connections between Broadcast Improvement and problems such as Metric $k$-Center and Diameter Reduction. However, since the objective involves information cascades, we need to develop novel probabilistic tools to reason about the existence of paths in edge-sampled graphs. Finally, we show that our techniques extend to a single-source variant, for which we show both bicriteria algorithms and inapproximability results.