The angular synchronization problem of estimating a set of unknown angles from their known noisy pairwise differences arises in various applications. It can be reformulated as a optimization problem on graphs involving the graph Laplacian matrix. We consider a general, weighted version of this problem, where the impact of the noise differs between different pairs of entries and some of the differences are erased completely; this version arises for example in ptychography. We study two common approaches for solving this problem, namely eigenvector relaxation and semidefinite convex relaxation. Although some recovery guarantees are available for both methods, their performance is either unsatisfying or restricted to the unweighted graphs. We close this gap, deriving recovery guarantees for the weighted problem that are completely analogous to the unweighted version.
翻译:从已知的噪音对称差异中估计一组未知角度的角同步问题出现在各种应用中。 它可以重新拟订为涉及图形 Laplacian 矩阵的图表上的一个优化问题。 我们考虑这一问题的概括性加权版本, 即不同条目之间噪音的影响不同,而有些差异则被完全消除; 这个版本的生成方式, 举例来说, 地貌学 。 我们研究了解决这一问题的两种共同方法, 即乙型动物放松和半无限制的convex 放松。 虽然两种方法都有回收保证, 但它们的性能要么不满意, 要么局限于未加权的图表。 我们缩小了这一差距, 为与未加权版本完全相似的加权问题提供回收保证 。