The halfspace depth is a well studied tool of nonparametric statistics in multivariate spaces, naturally inducing a multivariate generalisation of quantiles. The halfspace depth of a point with respect to a measure is defined as the infimum mass of closed halfspaces that contain the given point. In general, a closed halfspace that attains that infimum does not have to exist. We introduce a flag halfspace - an intermediary between a closed halfspace and its interior. We demonstrate that the halfspace depth can be equivalently formulated also in terms of flag halfspaces, and that there always exists a flag halfspace whose boundary passes through any given point $x$, and has mass exactly equal to the halfspace depth of $x$. Flag halfspaces allow us to derive theoretical results regarding the halfspace depth without the need to differentiate absolutely continuous measures from measures containing atoms, as was frequently done previously. The notion of flag halfspaces is used to state results on the dimensionality of the halfspace median set for random samples. We prove that under mild conditions, the dimension of the sample halfspace median set of $d$-variate data cannot be $d-1$, and that for $d=2$ the sample halfspace median set must be either a two-dimensional convex polygon, or a data point. The latter result guarantees that the computational algorithm for the sample halfspace median form the R package TukeyRegion is exact also in the case when the median set is less-than-full-dimensional in dimension $d=2$.
翻译:半空深度是一个在多变量空间中进行非参数统计的很好研究的工具, 自然会引出一个多位数的多位数一般化。 一个测量点的半空深度被定义为包含给定点的封闭半空半空的最小质量。 一般而言, 一个达到最小值的封闭半空不一定要存在。 我们引入了半空( 一个封闭半空与其内部的中间体) 。 我们证明半空的深度也可以以旗半空的半空尺寸来配制, 并且始终存在一个旗半空, 其边界通过任何给定点 $x$, 其质量与包含给定点的半空半空半空深度完全相等。 旗半空空间的封闭半空空间( 一个封闭半空半空半空半空半空半空半空), 以美元为正值的半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空(一个半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空基), 以美元为半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空基(一个半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空半空基) 数据组, 以美元为基数据为基数的半空半空半空半空半空基数(一个半空半空基数为基), 基数为基数(一个半空半空基), 基数为基数为基数为基数, 。