Pyramidal networks are standard methods for multi-scale object detection. Current researches on feature pyramid networks usually adopt layer connections to collect features from certain levels of the feature hierarchy, and do not consider the significant differences among them. We propose a better architecture of feature pyramid networks, named selective multi-scale learning (SMSL), to address this issue. SMSL is efficient and general, which can be integrated in both single-stage and two-stage detectors to boost detection performance, with nearly no extra inference cost. RetinaNet combined with SMSL obtains 1.8\% improvement in AP (from 39.1\% to 40.9\%) on COCO dataset. When integrated with SMSL, two-stage detectors can get around 1.0\% improvement in AP.
翻译:Pyramide网络是多级天体探测的标准方法。目前对地貌金字塔网络的研究通常采用从地貌等级的某些层次收集地貌特征的层连接,而不考虑它们之间的重大差异。我们提出了更好的地貌金字塔网络结构,称为选择性的多级学习(SMSL),以解决这一问题。SMSL既有效又一般,可以纳入单级和两阶段探测器,以提升探测性能,几乎不产生额外的推断费用。RetinaNet与SMSL合作,在COCO数据集的AP(从39.1%到40.9%)中取得了1.8的改进。与SMSL结合后,两阶段探测器可以在AP方面得到1.0 左右的改进。