We derive an adjoint method for the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation with a general collision law. This generalizes our previous results in ~[Caflisch, R., Silantyev, D. and Yang, Y., 2021. Journal of Computational Physics, 439, p.110404], which was restricted to the case of Maxwell molecules, for which the collision rate is constant. The main difficulty in generalizing the previous results is that a rejection sampling step is required in the DSMC algorithm in order to handle the variable collision rate. We find a new term corresponding to the so-called score function in the adjoint equation and a new adjoint Jacobian matrix capturing the dependence of the collision parameter on the velocities. The new formula works for a much more general class of collision models.
翻译:我们从直接模拟蒙特卡洛(DSMC)法中得出一种配套方法,用于使用一般碰撞法来模拟空间均匀的布尔茨曼方程式(DSMC),这概括了我们以前在~[Caflisch, R., Silantyev, D.和Yang, Y., 2021。《计算物理杂志》,439, p.1104404]中得出的结果,该方法仅限于Maxwell分子的情况,其碰撞率保持不变。推广先前结果的主要困难在于DSMC算法中需要一个拒绝抽样步骤,以便处理可变碰撞率。我们找到了一个与对齐方方公式中所谓的得分函数相对应的新术语,并找到一个新的联合的Jacobian矩阵,它反映了碰撞参数对速度的依赖性。新的公式为更一般的碰撞模型提供了效果。