Security metrics are not standardized, but inter-national proposals such as the Common Vulnerability ScoringSystem (CVSS) for quantifying the severity of known vulnerabil-ities are widely used. Many CVSS aggregation mechanisms havebeen proposed in the literature. Nevertheless, factors related tothe context of the System Under Test (SUT) are not taken intoaccount in the aggregation process; vulnerabilities that in theoryaffect the SUT, but are not exploitable in reality. We propose aCVSS aggregation algorithm that integrates information aboutthe functionality disruption of the SUT, exploitation difficulty,existence of exploits, and the context where the SUT operates.The aggregation algorithm was applied to OpenPLC V3, showingthat it is capable of filtering out vulnerabilities that cannot beexploited in the real conditions of deployment of the particularsystem. Finally, because of the nature of the proposed algorithm,the result can be interpreted in the same way as a normal CVSS.