We introduce a novel model-theoretic framework inspired from graph modification and based on the interplay between model theory and algorithmic graph minors. The core of our framework is a new compound logic operating with two types of sentences, expressing graph modification: the modulator sentence, defining some property of the modified part of the graph, and the target sentence, defining some property of the resulting graph. In our framework, modulator sentences are in counting monadic second-order logic (CMSOL) and have models of bounded treewidth, while target sentences express first-order logic (FOL) properties along with minor-exclusion. Our logic captures problems that are not definable in first-order logic and, moreover, may have instances of unbounded treewidth. Also, it permits the modeling of wide families of problems involving vertex/edge removals, alternative modulator measures (such as elimination distance or $\mathcal{G}$-treewidth), multistage modifications, and various cut problems. Our main result is that, for this compound logic, model-checking can be done in quadratic time. All derived algorithms are constructive and this, as a byproduct, extends the constructibility horizon of the algorithmic applications of the Graph Minors theorem of Robertson and Seymour. The proposed logic can be seen as a general framework to capitalize on the potential of the irrelevant vertex technique. It gives a way to deal with problem instances of unbounded treewidth, for which Courcelle's theorem does not apply. The proof of our meta-theorem combines novel combinatorial results related to the Flat Wall theorem along with elements of the proof of Courcelle's theorem and Gaifman's theorem. We finally prove extensions where the target property is expressible in FOL+DP, i.e., the enhancement of FOL with disjoint-paths predicates.
翻译:我们引入了一个由图形修改和基于模型理论与算法图未成年人之间相互作用的新型模型理论理论框架。 我们框架的核心是一个新的复合逻辑,它使用两种类型的句子,表达图形修改: 调制句, 定义图中修改部分的某些属性, 以及目标句, 定义由此生成的图表的某些属性。 在我们的框架中, 调制句是在计算调制二阶逻辑( CMSOL), 并有捆绑起来的树枝模型, 而目标句则表示一阶逻辑( FOL) 属性, 加上轻微的排外。 我们的逻辑逻辑捕捉到了在一阶逻辑中无法解开的问题, 此外, 可能存在一些无限制的树斑点。 此外, 它允许模拟涉及顶端/ 末端清除、 替代调制调制措施( 例如消除距离或 $mathcaladal {G$+DRoodwith)、 多阶段的修改, 以及各种裁剪式问题。 我们的主要结果是, 对于这个不复杂的逻辑, 模型- checkour rior rial rial situdeal rialalalalalalalalalalalalal, 也可以算的模型的模型的模型和直判判算, 可以将整个。