Speech separation involves extracting an individual speaker's voice from a multi-speaker audio signal. The increasing complexity of real-world environments, where multiple speakers might converse simultaneously, underscores the importance of effective speech separation techniques. This work presents a single-microphone speaker separation network with TF attention aiming at noisy and reverberant environments. We dub this new architecture as Separation TF Attention Network (Sep-TFAnet). In addition, we present a variant of the separation network, dubbed $ \text{Sep-TFAnet}^{\text{VAD}}$, which incorporates a voice activity detector (VAD) into the separation network. The separation module is based on a temporal convolutional network (TCN) backbone inspired by the Conv-Tasnet architecture with multiple modifications. Rather than a learned encoder and decoder, we use short-time Fourier transform (STFT) and inverse short-time Fourier transform (iSTFT) for the analysis and synthesis, respectively. Our system is specially developed for human-robotic interactions and should support online mode. The separation capabilities of $ \text{Sep-TFAnet}^{\text{VAD}}$ and Sep-TFAnet were evaluated and extensively analyzed under several acoustic conditions, demonstrating their advantages over competing methods. Since separation networks trained on simulated data tend to perform poorly on real recordings, we also demonstrate the ability of the proposed scheme to better generalize to realistic examples recorded in our acoustic lab by a humanoid robot. Project page: https://Sep-TFAnet.github.io