Robots are traditionally bounded by a fixed embodiment during their operational lifetime, which limits their ability to adapt to their surroundings. Co-optimizing control and morphology of a robot, however, is often inefficient due to the complex interplay between the controller and morphology. In this paper, we propose a learning-based control method that can inherently take morphology into consideration such that once the control policy is trained in the simulator, it can be easily deployed to robots with different embodiments in the real world. In particular, we present the Embodiment-aware Transformer (EAT), an architecture that casts this control problem as conditional sequence modeling. EAT outputs the optimal actions by leveraging a causally masked Transformer. By conditioning an autoregressive model on the desired robot embodiment, past states, and actions, our EAT model can generate future actions that best fit the current robot embodiment. Experimental results show that EAT can outperform all other alternatives in embodiment-varying tasks, and succeed in an example of real-world evolution tasks: stepping down a stair through updating the morphology alone. We hope that EAT will inspire a new push toward real-world evolution across many domains, where algorithms like EAT can blaze a trail by bridging the field of evolutionary robotics and big data sequence modeling.
翻译:机器人传统上受固定化体的约束,这限制了他们适应周围环境的能力。 但是,由于控制器和形态学之间复杂的相互作用,机器人的共同优化控制和形态学往往效率低下。 在本文中,我们建议一种基于学习的控制方法,这种方法可以自然地将形态学纳入考虑,这样一旦控制政策在模拟器中受过培训,它就可以很容易地被部署到在现实世界中具有不同化体的机器人中。特别是,我们介绍Embodiment-aware变异器(EAT),这是一个将控制问题作为有条件序列模型的建筑。EAT通过利用因果遮蔽的变异器产生最佳行动。通过对理想的机器人化、过去状态和行动的自动反向模型进行调整,我们EAT模型就可以产生最适合当前机器人演化的将来行动。实验结果显示,EAT可以超越在变异性任务中的所有替代物的模型,并在现实世界演化任务中成功一个范例:通过不断更新的变异变异变异变异变异性模型来降低一个螺旋。 我们希望,仅由巨型进的变法系统演化系统演化系统进行。