机器人课程 专知搜集
- Robotics视频课程: [https://github.com/Developer-Y/cs-video-courses#robotics]
- CS 223A - Introduction to Robotics, Stanford University
- 6.832 Underactuated Robotics - MIT OCW
- CS287 Advanced Robotics at UC Berkeley Fall 2019 -- Instructor: Pieter Abbeel
- CS 287 - Advanced Robotics, Fall 2011, UC Berkeley (Videos)
- CS235 - Applied Robot Design for Non-Robot-Designers - Stanford University
- Lecture: Visual Navigation for Flying Robots (YouTube)
- CS 205A: Mathematical Methods for Robotics, Vision, and Graphics (Fall 2013)
- Robotics 1, Prof. De Luca, Università di Roma (YouTube)
- Robotics 2, Prof. De Luca, Università di Roma (YouTube)
- Robot Mechanics and Control, SNU
- Introduction to Robotics Course - UNCC
- SLAM Lectures
- Introduction to Vision and Robotics 2015/16- University of Edinburgh
- ME 597 – Autonomous Mobile Robotics – Fall 2014
- ME 780 – Perception For Autonomous Driving – Spring 2017
- ME780 – Nonlinear State Estimation for Robotics and Computer Vision – Spring 2017
- METR 4202/7202 -- Robotics & Automation - University of Queensland
- Robotics - IIT Bombay
- Introduction to Machine Vision
- 6.834J Cognitive Robotics - MIT OCW
- Hello (Real) World with ROS – Robot Operating System - TU Delft
- Programming for Robotics (ROS) - ETH Zurich
- Mechatronic System Design - TU Delft
- CS 206 Evolutionary Robotics Course Spring 2020
- Foundations of Robotics - UTEC 2018-I
- Robotics - Youtube
- Robotics and Control: Theory and Practice IIT Roorkee
- Mechatronics
- ME142 - Mechatronics Spring 2020 - UC Merced
- Mobile Sensing and Robotics - Bonn University
- MSR2 - Sensors and State Estimation Course (2020) - Bonn University
- SLAM Course (2013) - Bonn University
- ENGR486 Robot Modeling and Control (2014W)
- Robotics by Prof. D K Pratihar - IIT Kharagpur
- Introduction to Mobile Robotics - SS 2019 - Universität Freiburg
- Robot Mapping - WS 2018/19 - Universität Freiburg
- Mechanism and Robot Kinematics - IIT Kharagpur
- Self-Driving Cars - Cyrill Stachniss - Winter 2020/21 - University of Bonn)
- Mobile Sensing and Robotics 1 – Part Stachniss (Jointly taught with PhoRS) - University of Bonn
- Mobile Sensing and Robotics 2 – Stachniss & Klingbeil/Holst - University of Bonn
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