In this paper, we develop an efficient decoder via the proximal alternating direction method of multipliers (proximal-ADMM) technique for nonbinary linear block codes in the Galois field. Its main contents are as follows: first, exploiting the decomposition technique based on the three-variables check equation, we formulate the maximum likelihood (ML) decoding problem approximately to a non-convex quadratic program; second, an efficient algorithm based on the proximal-ADMM technique is proposed to solve the formulated QP problem. Exploiting the QP problem's inherent structures, its variables can be updated in parallel; third, we prove that the proposed decoding algorithm can converge to some stationary point of the formulated QP problem. Moreover, we also show, for nonbinary low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, its computational complexity in each proximal-ADMM iteration scales linearly with block length and the size of the considered Galois field. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed proximal-ADMM decoder outperforms state-of-the-art nonbinary LDPC decoders in terms of either error correction performance or computational complexity.
翻译:在本文中,我们开发了一种高效解码器,其主要内容如下:首先,利用基于三种变数核对方程式的分解技术,我们将最大可能性解码问题大致归入非变数对等程序;其次,提议一种基于纯度-ADMM技术的高效算法,以解决已拟订的QP问题。探讨QP问题的内在结构,其变量可以平行更新;第三,我们证明拟议的解码算法可以归结到已拟订的QP问题的某些固定点。此外,我们还表明,对于非双度低密度对等检查(LDPC)的代码,它在每个准度-ADMM技术等级的计算复杂性,以直线长度和所考虑的 Galois 字段的大小为基础。模拟结果显示,拟议的QP问题的内在结构,其变量可以平行更新;第三,我们证明拟议的解码算算算算算算算法可以归到已拟订的QP问题的某些固定点。此外,对于非硬度低密度对等值的对等值检查(LPC),我们还表明,它在每个准度-ADMMD-coder Reformay-decterders 的不代表的不的不的不精确度差值的不正数。