It is known that a coalition formation game may not have a stable coalition structure. In this study we propose a new solution concept for these games, which we call "stable decomposition", and show that each game has at least one. This solution consists of a collection of coalitions organized in sets that "protect" each other in a stable way. When sets of this collection are singletons, the stable decomposition can be identified with a stable coalition structure. As an application, we study convergence to stability in coalition formation games.
翻译:众所周知, 联盟的形成游戏可能没有稳定的联盟结构。 在这项研究中, 我们为这些游戏提出了一个新的解决方案概念, 我们称之为“ 稳定的分解 ”, 并显示每个游戏至少有一个。 这个解决方案包括一组以稳定的方式“ 保护” 彼此的组合组成的联盟。 当这些组合是单吨制时, 稳定的分解可以与稳定的联盟结构相匹配。 作为应用, 我们研究联盟形成游戏的稳定性。