项目名称: 基于多级分层误差补偿策略的工业机器人高精度控制方法研究
项目编号: No.51475329
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 任永杰
作者单位: 天津大学
项目金额: 83万元
中文摘要: 工业机器人作为一种多关节高度柔性运动平台,在未来的柔性制造中具有突出地位。本研究将精密测量理论与关节机器人运动特性深度融合,创新地提出构建关节空间网格阵列及网格精度控制点的新思路,探索多级分层误差补偿新策略,研究面向柔性制造的机器人误差补偿与精度维护方法,提升机器人自主性能,具体内容包括:1)研究定位误差生成机理及作用规律,从几何误差建模、柔性误差建模、构建关节空间高精度网格阵列等多个层面开展针对性补偿方法研究,将静态绝对定位精度提升至重复定位精度水平;2)探索关节空间误差分布模型及传递规律,研究最优的关节空间网格阵列划分方法及改进的空间插值补偿算法;3)基于多重几何约束及观测量约束构建网格精度控制点,研究全空间定位漂移控制方法,保证动态工作下绝对定位精度维持在静态精度水平。旨在克服柔性制造中机器人自主绝对定位精度低的难题,同时为复杂多关节运动机构的精度提升与控制研究提供新方法和技术支持
中文关键词: 柔性制造;工业机器人;多级分层补偿;关节空间;网格分割
英文摘要: As a highly flexible multi-joint motion platform, the industrial robot will play a prominent role in the flexible manufacturing of the furture. This research focuses on the positioning error compensation and precision maintenance of industrial robot, which presents a deep fusion of precise measurement principle and the motion features of articulated robot, creatively put forwards a novel idea of constructing mesh array and distributing grid precision control points in the robot joint space, develops a multilevel compensation stategy for the robot positioning errors and aims at improving the robot autonomic performance significantly. The concrete content includes the following three aspects: 1) exploring the generation mechanism and acting law of the robot positioning error, developping targeted multilevel error conpensation method through modeling the geometric errors, modeling the link flexibility and constructing high-precision mesh array in the robot joint space, aiming at promoting the robot accuracy at static state to the level of robot repeatability. 2) exploring the distribution model and transfer rule of the robot positioning error in the joint space, searching for the optimal method for mesh segmentation and improved algorithm for the spatial interpolation. 3) constructing grid precision control points based on multiple geometrical constraints or observation constraint, developing compensation method for the robot positioning shift in the whole volume, aiming to maintain the positioning accuracy at static accuracy level. This research aims to overcome the autonomous positioning accuracy shortage of the industrial robot in the flexible manufacturing, and give theoretical and technological support for the accuracy improvement and high-precision control of the complex multi-joint motion mechanism.
英文关键词: flexible manufacturing;industrial robot;multilevel compensation;joint space;mesh segmentation