Continuous games are multiplayer games in which strategy sets are compact and utility functions are continuous. These games typically have a highly complicated structure of Nash equilibria, and numerical methods for the equilibrium computation are known only for particular classes of continuous games, such as two-player polynomial games or games in which pure equilibria are guaranteed to exist. This contribution focuses on the computation and approximation of a mixed strategy equilibrium for the whole class of multiplayer general-sum continuous games. We vastly extend the scope of applicability of the double oracle algorithm, initially designed and proved to converge only for two-player zero-sum games. Specifically, we propose an iterative strategy generation technique, which splits the original problem into the master problem with only a finite subset of strategies being considered, and the subproblem in which an oracle finds the best response of each player. This simple method is guaranteed to recover an approximate equilibrium in finitely many iterations. Further, we argue that the Wasserstein distance (the earth mover's distance) is the right metric for the space of mixed strategies for our purposes. Our main result is the convergence of this algorithm in the Wasserstein distance to an equilibrium of the original continuous game. The numerical experiments show the performance of our method on several classes of games including randomly generated examples.
翻译:连续游戏是多玩游戏, 策略组合是紧凑的, 实用功能是连续的。 这些游戏通常有一个非常复杂的 Nash 平衡结构, 平衡计算的数字方法只为某些连续游戏类别所知道, 例如双玩者多平衡游戏或保证存在纯平衡的游戏。 此贡献侧重于计算和接近整个多玩者普通和连续游戏类别中混合战略平衡。 我们大大扩展了双或手算法的可应用性范围, 最初设计并被证明仅用于两个玩者零和游戏。 具体地说, 我们建议一种迭代战略生成技术, 将最初的问题分成主游戏, 仅考虑一定的策略组别, 以及一个或数的游戏中找到每个玩者最佳反应的子。 这种简单方法可以保证在有限的多个连续游戏中恢复大致平衡。 此外, 我们主张, 瓦瑟斯坦 距离( 地球移动者距离) 是用于我们混合策略空间的正确衡量标准。 我们的主要结果就是将最初的策略生成技术生成技术生成技术生成方法, 包括连续的游戏的游戏的任意序列。