Albeit the Dice loss is one of the dominant loss functions in medical image segmentation, most research omits a closer look at its derivative, i.e. the real motor of the optimization when using gradient descent. In this paper, we highlight the peculiar action of the Dice loss in the presence of missing or empty labels. First, we formulate a theoretical basis that gives a general description of the Dice loss and its derivative. It turns out that the choice of the reduction dimensions $\Phi$ and the smoothing term $\epsilon$ is non-trivial and greatly influences its behavior. We find and propose heuristic combinations of $\Phi$ and $\epsilon$ that work in a segmentation setting with either missing or empty labels. Second, we empirically validate these findings in a binary and multiclass segmentation setting using two publicly available datasets. We confirm that the choice of $\Phi$ and $\epsilon$ is indeed pivotal. With $\Phi$ chosen such that the reductions happen over a single batch (and class) element and with a negligible $\epsilon$, the Dice loss deals with missing labels naturally and performs similarly compared to recent adaptations specific for missing labels. With $\Phi$ chosen such that the reductions happen over multiple batch elements or with a heuristic value for $\epsilon$, the Dice loss handles empty labels correctly. We believe that this work highlights some essential perspectives and hope that it encourages researchers to better describe their exact implementation of the Dice loss in future work.
翻译:尽管Dice损失是医学图像分割中的主要损失功能之一,但大多数研究都忽略了对其衍生物(即使用渐渐下降时最优化的真正发动机)的仔细观察。在本文中,我们强调在缺失或空标签存在的情况下Dice损失的特殊行动。首先,我们制定了一个理论基础,对Dice损失及其衍生物作一般性描述。我们证实,选择削减值$\Phi$和平滑的术语$\Epsilon$确实非常关键。美元选择是非三重性的,对它的行为影响很大。我们发现并提议将美元和美元进行超重的混合组合,用缺失或空标签的形式进行分解。第二,我们用两种公开的数据集在二进制和多级分解中验证这些结果。我们确认,选择美元和美元Deplon$的选用非常精确的精度来描述一个分批(和分级)元素的减值。我们发现并提议将美元和美元和美元的超重损失率组合组合组合。我们坚信,最近一个基本损失值的标值会比一个固定标签的减值,这能让Drexlevilal deal deal deal deal deal dede 进行更好的计算。