This paper presents a study on the soft-Dice loss, one of the most popular loss functions in medical image segmentation, for situations where noise is present in target labels. In particular, the set of optimal solutions are characterized and sharp bounds on the volume bias of these solutions are provided. It is further shown that a sequence of soft segmentations converging to optimal soft-Dice also converges to optimal Dice when converted to hard segmentations using thresholding. This is an important result because soft-Dice is often used as a proxy for maximizing the Dice metric. Finally, experiments confirming the theoretical results are provided.
翻译:本文主要研究软Dice loss在目标标签存在噪声的情况下的应用,该 loss 函数是医学图像分割中最受欢迎的之一。特别地,我们对最优解集进行了表征,并给出了这些解的体积偏差的尖锐界限。进一步地,我们展示了通过阈值化将软分割转换为硬分割的方法,可以得到一系列连续的软分割,这对于最大化 Dice metrics 起到了有力的辅助作用。最后,我们提供了证实理论结果的实验。