Flow-guide synthesis provides a common framework for frame interpolation, where optical flow is typically estimated by a pyramid network, and then leveraged to guide a synthesis network to generate intermediate frames between input frames. In this paper, we present UPR-Net, a novel Unified Pyramid Recurrent Network for frame interpolation. Cast in a flexible pyramid framework, UPR-Net exploits lightweight recurrent modules for both bi-directional flow estimation and intermediate frame synthesis. At each pyramid level, it leverages estimated bi-directional flow to generate forward-warped representations for frame synthesis; across pyramid levels, it enables iterative refinement for both optical flow and intermediate frame. In particular, we show that our iterative synthesis can significantly improve the robustness of frame interpolation on large motion cases. Despite being extremely lightweight (1.7M parameters), UPR-Net achieves excellent performance on a large range of benchmarks. Code will be available soon.