We study the computational complexity of two hard problems on determinantal point processes (DPPs). One is maximum a posteriori (MAP) inference, i.e., to find a principal submatrix having the maximum determinant. The other is probabilistic inference on exponentiated DPPs (E-DPPs), which can sharpen or weaken the diversity preference of DPPs with an exponent parameter $p$. We present several complexity-theoretic hardness results that explain the difficulty in approximating MAP inference and the normalizing constant for E-DPPs. We first prove that unconstrained MAP inference for an $n \times n$ matrix is $\textsf{NP}$-hard to approximate within a factor of $2^{\beta n}$, where $\beta = 10^{-10^{13}} $. This result improves upon the best-known inapproximability factor of $(\frac{9}{8}-\epsilon)$, and rules out the existence of any polynomial-factor approximation algorithm assuming $\textsf{P} \neq \textsf{NP}$. We then show that log-determinant maximization is $\textsf{NP}$-hard to approximate within a factor of $\frac{5}{4}$ for the unconstrained case and within a factor of $1+10^{-10^{13}}$ for the size-constrained monotone case. In particular, log-determinant maximization does not admit a polynomial-time approximation scheme unless $\textsf{P} = \textsf{NP}$. As a corollary of the first result, we demonstrate that the normalizing constant for E-DPPs of any (fixed) constant exponent $p \geq \beta^{-1} = 10^{10^{13}}$ is $\textsf{NP}$-hard to approximate within a factor of $2^{\beta pn}$, which is in contrast to the case of $p \leq 1$ admitting a fully polynomial-time randomized approximation scheme.
翻译:我们在决定点进程(DPPs)上研究两个难点的计算复杂性。 其中一个是最大顺差( MAP) $( MAP) 的推断, 即找到一个具有最大决定因素的主要子矩阵。 另外一个是对于主动的DPP( E- DPP) 的概率性推断, 它可以提高或削弱 DPs 的多样性偏好, 并有一个Expentent 参数 $p。 我们展示了几个复杂理论硬度结果, 解释了 EDP 的顺差大小和对 EDPPPP( MA) 的正常常数 。 我们首先证明, 美元的顺差值 $( $_ $_ 美元) 的顺差性推算值是 $( 美元) 的正数 。