项目名称: 关于认识论信念对员工创新绩效的影响及其内部机制的多层次研究
项目编号: No.71302019
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 王蕾
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 建设创新型国家需要大力培养能够自主创新的人才,因为人是各种创新的主体。由此,我们需要找到能够有效预测员工创新行为和创新绩效的个人特征,并且需要确保这种特征能够通过教育得到提高。现有关于创新个人特征的研究所涉及的个人特征变量即缺乏足够的理论依据又未能解释其影响机制,并且关注的大多是不易改变的人格特质或主要受环境影响的内部动机。因此,本研究基于自我决定理论和认识论信念理论,探索和验证认识论信念对创新绩效的预测力。同时,把个体水平的影响路径拓展到团队水平,从而在不同层次解释认识论信念这一新概念对员工创新过程的影响,使理论模型更为完善。通过三个子研究,本课题希望将认识论信念引入员工创新管理研究,实现跨学科的融合,加深对员工创新行为内部机制的理解,更为管理教育培养创新人才提供理论和实证数据。本课题主要使用问卷调查研究法。
中文关键词: 认识论信念;创新绩效;内部动机;创造行为;多层次
英文摘要: On President Hu Jintao' call for establishing innovative country, China needs to develop its people's potential to conduct proactive innovation at every position. It is people who drive, conduct and assess innovation. Therefore, we have to figure out those individual differences that can be used to predict individual innovative behavior and innovation performance in the workplace. Furthermore, we also need to make sure that the predictive individual differences can be changed by education or training to help management education improve their capability to develop innovative talent. However, the existing studies of innovative individual differences have not provided solid theory to explain the impact of those individual differences on employee innovation. In addition, most of these studied individual differences are difficult to change in an expected way because some are too stable to change, such as personality, while some are mainly determined by the situation, for example, emotion. Due to the lack of research on appropriate innovative individual differences, this study first employs the self-determination theory and epistemological beliefs theory to test the preidictivity of epistemological beliefs- - the beliefs of individuals on knowledge and knowing, on employee innovation. Second, this study seeks to expl
英文关键词: epistemological beliefs;innovation performance;intrinsic motivation;creative behavior;multilevel