项目名称: 高管支持对ERP实施成效的作用机制研究:结构化理论视角
项目编号: No.71272080
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 白海青
作者单位: 厦门大学
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 我国企业ERP实施和应用水平还很低,企业高层管理人员是最关键的瓶颈因素。如果没有有效的高管支持(TMS),企业的信息化实践就不能顺利开展和持续改善。尽管高管支持信息化的问题长期以来广受学者关注,然而,时至今日,人们对高管支持在企业信息化过程中作用机制的了解还相当缺乏。本课题试图以复杂的企业系统(ERP)实施为背景,从结构化理论的视角重新审视TMS在信息化过程中的作用机制。结构化理论是解释社会结构与人的行为互动关系的综合理论,有助于理解ERP实施过程中涉及到的多种人员(系统供应商和顾问、中层经理、用户等)、技术以及组织环境等要素关系。本课题将充分挖掘已有理论成果,在演绎的基础上结合对实地的深入研究,再采用大样本实证检验,构建出适用于中国国情的TMS在ERP实施中的作用机制综合理论模型。研究成果将有助于有效地改善我国企业信息化实施成效,也开辟了TMS研究领域的新天地。
中文关键词: 高管支持;CEO;CIO;TMT;
英文摘要: The quality of information systems implementation and use in Chinese enterprises is still very low, and top managment is the largest bottleneck. If there is no effective top management support (TMS), information technology practice will not carry out and improve well. It has been a hot topic of research about TMS for information systmes success for forty years. To date, however, There is lack of rich understanding about what the mechanisms of TMS influencing on information systems success are.From the perspective of structuration theory, the study attempts to rethink mechanisms of TMS impact in the process of the complicated enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation. Structuration theory is posited as a social process that involves the reciprocal interaction of human and structural of social system. The theory is useful to interpret the interaction between different actors (e.g., software suppliers and consultants, middle managers, key users act as), technology, and organizational context in theERP implementation practice. This study will fully tap the results of existing literatures, and deeply investigate real enterprises, and then conduct a study of empirical test, to construct a comprehensive theoritical framework, how TMS influences on ERP implementation, applying to Chinese practice. The research h