项目名称: 融入情境分析的知识共享商业价值实现机理研究
项目编号: No.71302140
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 王智宁
作者单位: 中国矿业大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 明确知识共享的商业价值实现机理,是企业在复杂快变的内外部环境下运用知识获取竞争优势的前提。基于对高科技企业的问卷调查,本课题运用实证方法研究知识共享商业价值实现的基本规律,在此基础上,引入知识创造、知识管理战略和环境不确定性三种因素进行情境分析,研究内容包括:(1)依据知识基础与智力资本理论,构建并检验"知识共享-智力资本-企业绩效"的商业价值实现基本模型,明确智力资本的中介作用;(2)引入互补性理论,研究知识创造与知识共享对提升智力资本与企业绩效的互补作用,明确不同知识创造水平下知识共享商业价值实现的特定规律;(3)引入构型理论,研究知识管理战略与知识共享的构型匹配性,明确其对知识共享商业价值实现的具体影响;(4)引入环境影响论,研究环境不确定性调节作用下知识共享商业价值实现的特定规律。本课题提出了情境化研究框架,丰富了知识共享商业价值实现的理论内容,为企业知识共享管控实践提供有力指导。
中文关键词: 知识共享;商业价值实现;知识创造;知识管理战略;环境不确定性
英文摘要: Business value of knowledge sharing (BVoKS) and its rules of realization are foundations for enterprises to turn their knowledge into competitive advantages in complex and dynamic environment. This project will use empirical research methods to study general principles of BVoKS based on survey of high-tech enterprises and extend the analyse by introducting three contexts, which contain knowledge creating, knowledge management strategy and environmental uncertainty, respectively. The research contents mainly include: (1) exploring the mediating role of intellectual capital (IC) between knowledge sharing (KS) and firm performance (FP)according to knowledge-based view and IC theory to verify the basic principles of BVoKS, which appears as the model of "KS-IC-FP"; (2) analyzing the complementarity effect of KS and knowledge creation in the process of improving IC and FP based on complementarity theory for understanding the mechanism of BVoKS in different level of knowledge creation; (3) discussing the matching degree of KS and knowledge management strategy and its impact on BVoKS according to configuration theory; and (4) investigating the moderating role of environmental uncertainty on BVoKS with consideration of external influence in order to discover special rules of BVoKS in various circumstance. This study wil
英文关键词: knowledge sharing;realization of business value;knowledge creation;knowledge management strategy;environmental uncertainty