Probabilistic pushdown automata (pPDA) are a natural operational model for a variety of recursive discrete stochastic processes. In this paper, we study certificates - succinct and easily verifiable proofs - for upper and lower bounds on various quantitative properties of a given pPDA. We reveal an intimate, yet surprisingly simple connection between the existence of such certificates and the expected time to termination of the pPDA at hand. This is established by showing that certain intrinsic properties, like the spectral radius of the Jacobian of the pPDA's underlying polynomial equation system, are directly related to expected runtimes. As a consequence, we obtain that there always exist easy-to-check proofs for positive almost-sure termination: does a pPDA terminate in finite expected time?
翻译:概率下推自动机(pPDA)是各种递归离散随机过程的自然操作模型。在本文中,我们研究了关于给定pPDA的各种定量属性的上下界的证书 - 简明易懂的证明。我们揭示了存在这些证书和期望终止时间之间的一个密切但令人惊讶的简单联系。通过展示某些内在属性(如pPDA基础多项式方程系统的雅各比矩阵的谱半径)与期望运行时间直接相关,这一联系得以建立。因此,我们得到几乎确定终止的易于检验证明:pPDA是否在有限期望时间内终止?