项目名称: 面向复杂RFID数据采集任务的分布式协同方法研究
项目编号: No.61502351
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 朱卫平
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 在众多RFID系统中,读写器需要协同工作来完成多个可能冲突的复杂数据采集任务。数据采集任务的复杂性既体现在需要将不同的读写器子集按基于同步时钟/异步时钟的复杂时序关系进行操作,也体现在要考虑RFID系统固有的读写器之间碰撞和读写器与标签碰撞。在此类系统中,传统的集中式控制方式由于延迟大、难扩展、安全性和商业考虑不再可行。为解决此问题,本项目对面向复杂RFID数据采集任务的分布式协同方法进行研究。我们将设计一种逻辑语言对复杂数据采集任务进行统一描述,然后设计完全分布式的多读写器协调算法,保证既严格遵守各种限制条件,又以最少的时间完成所有的数据采集任务。该方法将支持分布式系统中基于同步时钟/异步时钟和时间点/时间区间的各种时间模式。混合式仿真系统将用于对提出的算法进行测试和验证。预计项目将对复杂RFID数据采集的系统建模和分布式算法理论方面有较大贡献,同时能促进大规模RFID系统部署和应用。
中文关键词: 射频识别;分布式协同;复杂数据采集
英文摘要: In many RFID systems, RFID readers work collaboratively to perform multiple complex data collection tasks that may be conflict with each other. The data collection tasks are complex because not only that the specified sub-sets of RFID readers need to follow complex temporal constraints to conduct operations, but also that there exsit inherent collisions in RFID systems including reader-reader collision and reader-tag collision. Existing centralized RFID reader coordination approaches do not work well in such a scenario due to long latency, no scalability, and the concerns of security and business. In this project, we propose a distributed coordination approach for solving the aforementioned problem. We first design a new logic language to specify complex data collection tasks of RFID systems in a unified way. Based on the data collection tasks specified using our language, we propose a fully distributed approach for coordinating RFID readers to complete all of the tasks in the minimum time while meeting all kinds of constraints. A comprehensive hybrid simulation system will be developed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. We think that the project will make contribution to the theory of system modeling and distributed algorithms of complex RFID data collection, and the practical deployment of large-scale RFID systems as well.
英文关键词: RFID;Distributed Coordination;Complex Data Collection