Photorealistic rendering of real-world scenes is a tremendous challenge with a wide range of applications, including mixed reality (MR), and virtual reality (VR). Neural networks, which have long been investigated in the context of solving differential equations, have previously been introduced as implicit representations for photorealistic rendering. However, realistic rendering using classic computing is challenging because it requires time-consuming optical ray marching, and suffer computational bottlenecks due to the curse of dimensionality. In this paper, we propose Quantum Radiance Fields (QRF), which integrate the quantum circuit, quantum activation function, and quantum volume rendering for implicit scene representation. The results indicate that QRF not only exploits the advantage of quantum computing, such as high speed, fast convergence, and high parallelism, but also ensure high quality of volume rendering.
翻译:现实世界场景的摄影现实化是一个巨大的挑战,其应用范围很广,包括混杂的现实和虚拟现实。 长期以来在解决差异方程式的背景下被调查过的神经网络,过去曾被引入为光现实化的隐含表述。 然而,使用经典计算机的现实化具有挑战性,因为它需要耗费时间的光线行进,并且由于对维度的诅咒而遭遇计算瓶颈。在本文中,我们提议量子辐射场(QRF ), 它将量子电路、量子激活功能和量子量量量的生成整合到隐含的场面上。 结果表明,QRF不仅利用量子计算的好处,如高速、快速趋同和高度平行,而且还确保量子计算的质量。